is a website belonging to La Maison de L'Immo SASU
Simplified joint stock company with single shareholder registered in Annecy RCS 850 177 676
Head office
La Maison de L'Immo
3 Place Henry Bordeaux - 74200 Thonon-les-Bains - France
Publication manager: Anne Gobel Vernet
Webmaster contact: hello at swat point studio
Tel : +33 (0)4 50 70 04 04
327 B route de Valparc - 74330 POISY
Intellectual property rights
The entire content of this site, including its name, presentation and content, constitutes an original work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, published by La Maison de L'Immo. Any reproduction, representation, use or modification, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, of all or part of the site, its name, all or part of the various works and product models that make it up, without having obtained the prior authorisation of La Maison de L'Immo, is strictly prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 euros.
Information and content
The information presented and available on our pages represents only our opinions and points of view expressed at the date of publication of each page. It may contain inaccuracies and its sole aim is to provide the most complete and useful information to Internet users. We reserve the right to modify or delete them without prior notice. We provide no explicit or implicit guarantee and cannot be held responsible for any damage that may result from any use of this information. All information and elements transmitted to us will be deemed to be non-confidential. You expressly grant La Maison de L'Immo an unlimited and irrevocable right to use, publish and comment on this information and material. Their origin will not be divulged (1) except with your express authorisation, (2) our prior notification to the sender of the mention of its name (3) if we are legally obliged to do so.
Privacy practices
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into force on 25 May 2018, sets out the principles to be observed when collecting, processing and storing personal data. It also guarantees rights for data subjects.
Several forms are available on the website to collect visitor data:
1 : Objectives
The purpose of collecting data on the site is to create a management file of prospects and customers of La Maison de L'Immo SASU. This file is used for statistical purposes, to contact and/or offer relevant content to contacts.
2: Relevance of data
In order to better monitor the interest shown by prospects and customers of La Maison de L'Immo SASU, the file collects all information from visitors to the site relating to identity, professional information and activity on the site. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, information relating to a person's racial or ethnic origin, political, philosophical or religious opinions, trade union membership, health or sex life is not collected and is prohibited (sensitive data).
3: data processing and conditions applicable to consent (art.6 and 7 of the RGPD)
Consent to the processing of a visitor's personal data is systematically obtained for one or more specific purposes. For example, when filling in a form to register for the newsletter or download a resource, the purpose of obtaining the visitor's email address is to send them notification of new publications or to suggest resources that may be of interest to them.
4: Data retention
The data collected on the website is kept for a maximum of 12 months for anonymous contacts, after the last activity on the website by the person. On the other hand, for identified contacts, the data collected on the site is kept for a maximum of 36 months without any associated activity. At the end of these periods, all data relating to the individual is automatically deleted.
5: Individual rights (art.16 to 20 of the RGPD)
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act and the RGPD, any person may exercise his or her right to access, rectify, object to, limit the processing of, delete and port data concerning him or her by sending a request by post, signed and accompanied by a copy of an identity document, to the address of the registered office of La Maison de L'Immo SASU, or by filling in the form at this address:
The person responsible for the file, Ms Anne Gobel Vernet, will reply within one month of the request for access or rectification.
6: Data security and processing (art. 32 of the RGPD)
The data collected on the site and the associated processing are hosted by the company La Maison de L'Immo SASU. Only persons linked to the technical, marketing and sales departments of La Maison de L'Immo SASU and its subcontractors have access to the information collected on the site, via a personal identifier unique to the La Maison de L'Immo platform.
7: Data breach and communication within 72 hours (art. 33 and 34 of the RGPD)
In the event of a breach or suspected breach of personal data, La Maison de L'Immo SASU and its subcontractors will notify the CNIL and its users within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach.
Personal data
In order to provide the best possible experience, quality information content, access to specific information such as resources and tutorials, and a private area, visitors to the site may be asked to fill in forms, or even to log in using a login and password. The information collected is then processed by computer for the purposes of providing the service. The recipients of the data are exclusively the people working for La Maison de L'Immo SASU.
In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you. You can exercise this right by contacting our administrative department at agence AT lamaisondelimmo POINT fr. You may also, for legitimate reasons, object to the processing of data concerning you.
About cookies
We use various cookies on the site to improve the interactivity and browsing experience of the site and our services.
What is a cookie?
A "cookie" is a file of limited size, generally consisting of letters and numbers, sent by the web server to the cookie file of the browser located on your computer's hard drive.
Purpose of the cookies used on the site
The website uses cookies for the following purposes:
- to help us recognise your browser as that of a previous visitor and to record the preferences you set during your previous visit to the site;
- to help us personalise the content and advertising you see when you visit the site;
- to help us measure and study the effectiveness of our interactive online content, features, advertising and other communications;
- to monitor analytical data on the site, the use made of the site by users and to improve the site's services.
External links
The site links to many other websites. La Maison de L'Immo cannot under any circumstances be held responsible for the content and privacy policy of these sites. Neither can La Maison de L'Immo be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from their use, in particular from access to these sites and to sites linked to these sites, and for any damage, including but not limited to financial or commercial damage, operating loss or loss of data, even if we have been notified in advance.